Search Results for: ACL


The Road from Dog ACL Injury to Recovery: Step by Step

Two weeks after having surgery for a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and removal of a damaged meniscus, my dog’s stitches were removed today. Indeed, the road from dog ACL injury to recovery has been a long and interesting journey. In a continuing effort to keep Fidose of Reality readers up to date, our road…

dog bites his paws

My Dog Bites His Paws: Here’s What To Do

As a lifelong dog mom and pet writer, I’ve had many pet parents write to ask, “My dog bites his paws; what can I do?” Dogs bite and chew at their paws for many reasons. Sometimes it’s from a minor irritation; other times it can be more serious. My first Cocker Spaniel, Brandy Noel, chewed…